‘volume, value and key trends data from a venue perspective’
For the past 18 years, estimates for the size and value of the UK’s conference and business events sector have been based on annual research undertaken among meeting and event venues, providing a supply-side perspective on this key sector of the national economy. This research, known as UK Events Market Trends Survey (UKEMTS), will be published in Summer 2012, with a specific focus on volume aspects of the market and the performance of meeting venues. It will also highlight key market trends identified by venues.
This important research will be complemented, later in 2012, by a major new economic impact study, the ‘UK Economic Impact Study’, which will provide a demand-side analysis of the conference and business events market. Based on interviews with conference and event organisers (‘the buyers’), it will examine value, employment, taxation and other aspects of the market.
The UKEMTS seeks to:
1) Complete the questionnaire
To participate in the 2012 research is easy, just complete the online form or download a 'word' version of the questionnaire and then fax it back to us.
Click here for a direct link to the questionnaire or download the word version here.
All participating venues receive a complimentary, personalised summary offering benchmark comparisons with other similar venues. They can also purchase the published report at a discounted price.
2) Sponsor the research
This research offers highly targeted promotion and exposure to both the supply and demand sides of the UK business events and conference industry. Specifically, it offers:
If you are interested in sponsoring the research, please click here to view the benefits and costs.
Copies of the UKEMTS11 report (published in July 2011) are still available for more information and/or to order your copy download the order form below or click on the link to ther right entitled UKEMTS11.
If you have any questions about the research, please contact Tony Rogers t: 07887 596727 or e: [email protected]) or Sarah Malkin tel: 0121 212 1400 e: [email protected] who will be pleased to assist you.