As the voice for the industry it is imperative that Eventia are at the forefront of driving communication in the mainstream media to raise the profile of the impact of live communication and events on business.
This is why Eventia have recently worked with various publications to produce supplements on what is currently happening within the events industry and today ‘The Times’ carries a supplement written in association with Eventia.
This supplement is being distributed through 'The Times' circulation of over 1.7million daily readers and their unrivalled business audience of 339,000. It is also being distributed to the main business airport lounges at Heathrow and Gatwick.
Mark Saxby, Eventia Chairman commented, ‘This is more than simply a supplement about corporate events, it could potentially provide the reader with a unique insight in to how to win and retain customers and talent, and ultimately deliver new levels of engagement. It is an excellent piece for readers to download and use for distribution to their clients and stakeholders. ‘
Please click here to view a PDF copy of the Times supplement.
Get your copy today (10th March 2011) in 'The Times'.