Jersey Conference Bureau General Manager, Eventia/BACD Representative
Hamish is General Manager at the Jersey Conference Bureau overseeing the promotion of Business Tourism for the Island. He had previously worked for Starwood Hotels and Thistle Hotels in London. Since joining Jersey in 1999, Hamish has led the marketing of the Island as a business tourism destination which has seen expansive growth and last year over 80,000 business visits were made and over 300 UK companies chose Jersey for their events. Earlier this year the Jersey Conference Bureau were awarded the Business Excellence Award at International Confex and have also received the 2007 Meetings Industry Marketing Awards for best destination brochures and advertising.
Working in a destination that covers many different markets within the events industry, Hamish is keen to share thoughts and experiences and learn from other Eventia members. Hamish is Chair of the BACD and has played an active part in the merger between the BACD and Eventia. Hamish is keen to see the merger to its finality and for Eventia to grow and have the strong voice representing all sectors of the events industry that is needed.
Hamish joins the Board as a result of the merger between the British Association of Conference Destinations and Eventia.