You might have missed it, but we’ve changed the date of the Eventia Awards 2010. You will have doubtless read all about it in the trade news pages, our website and via various notes and releases that we’ve sent to keep everyone updated on this hot issue.
In case you missed it here’s a quick synopsis: We merged the two sets of awards into one and took the previous date that the International awards have always held in February for the last 18+ years in their various guises. However with the merger of the two sets of awards it introduced some supplier categories from the UK awards into the International set. Previously the International awards had all been project based entries. This caused a lot of concern to M&IT whose predominantly supplier awards have held the same position at least 10 days after our International awards. Given the incorporation of supplier categories, the current climate and the fact that the M&IT awards have a large charity element we were requested to review our decision. After requesting member feedback on those points, the board took the decision to move the date and re-address some of the categories.
On behalf of the board, huge thanks to our members for the swift feedback sent in response to our survey of views on this subject. This has ensured that we’ve got it right for the majority of members.
So, November 2010 it is!!! We had considered April/May, but this clashes with Easter, holidays and is a busy time for the industry so we went for November. It’ll most likely be 19th or 26th Nov, around the same date as the previous Eventia UK Awards. We will update you as soon as we’ve secured the venue and date.
We do apologise to those of you who have been working hard on their entry, we do appreciate that this is a time consuming exercise but we hope you will agree that we have made the right decision given the circumstances.
Do ensure you note the change in the submissions period and new entry deadline. The extended deadline should give all members and potential entrants the opportunity to work on some excellent entries, plus if the economic climate continues to improve, clients will be happier to sanction the submission of awards by the time November comes along. This should also ensure budget holders will be in a better position to sponsor, enter and attend this industry event of the year!
We also have some other great events and opportunities to network and exchange ideas between now and Christmas:
Social Media Action – 16th November, London - Gain a better understanding of the communication revolution and why social media is an important business and marketing tool – one not to be missed!
Events in Action - 23rd November 2009, Devonport House, London. Gain a better understanding of the world of events and get organised!
Events in Action PLUS – 24th November 2009, Canary Wharf, London. 'Next level up' to the successful Events in Action series.
TOMS update – VAT rule changes imminent – Be informed! - a workshop for Event management companies - 7th December, The Studio, Canon St, Birmingham
Christmas Networking – Festive fun on 14th December 2009, The Conservatory, The Barbican - an opportunity to meet and network with other Eventia members and Board Members, also to share ideas and values and discuss the future of the events industry.
Eventia exists to represent it’s broad categories of members and we trust that you are heartened by the fact that we have listened to your views and those of industry leaders – remember you really do only get out what you put in to any association so please continue to be engaged and share with us your views.